Laptop and a cup of coffee on a wooden table.

Coding in 2017

How did coding go for me in 2017?

This was certainly a year worth talking about.
I started with hopes of learning just Python 3 but couldn't stop myself and added Git, Vagrant, Linux, Bash, Javascript, HTML, SQL, CSS, JQuery, Django and other technologies to the mix.
Have a look and see for yourself.
Coding 2017 featured image

Setup Python Development Environment – Windows

Set up Your Windows Os for Programming in Python 3

In this tutorial you will learn how to download and install newest Python on your Windows machine.
You will find out about what a virtual environment for Python is & how to install a library required to create it.
Finally you will make, configure and delete an environment and get fully trained in using them.
Here it happens

Created by: Tomasz Kluczkowski

Copyright © Tomasz Kluczkowski

Created by: Tomasz Kluczkowski

Copyright © 2017